Friday, March 27, 2015

[Painting] The Legend of Zelda - Hyrule Crest

I haven't done any artsy stuff lately and I finally decided what to do with my second token. I will paint more tokens and switch it around on the amiibo box. Since J is a huge The Legend of Zelda fan, I figured this would be appropriate to have around. I also got Testors Dullcote lacquer and wanted to try it out. Thus this painting project was born.

I figured the sure fire way to not fail in painting the Hyrule crest was to use a stencil. I printed out the symbol, traced it to printer paper, glued it to card stock, and used a xacto knife to cut it out. I could have done a better job with the xacto knife but I can just fill it in by hand later.
Set up for the paint job. I wanted the Hyrule crest to be gold and the background to be black. Can't tell from the picture, but there is not a whole lot of space I'm working on. I just shoved everything else to the side.
Coated with black acrylic paint.
I didn't have any painter's tape (should really get some) so I used binder clips to keep the stencil in place.
One layer of gold paint. I was using DecoArt Traditions True Gold acrylic paint. First time I'm using it and it's much more transparent than I thought. It says it's semi transparent.
Second layer was much more generous.
Fourth layer. Getting there...
Done until touch up.
Painted the side gold, thought it would pop up better. Actually looks great even without the symbol.
Touchup of the symbol. Forgot to take a picture of it before hand. Also finished it with semi gloss and dullcote. My gloss was unusable so I need to get a new gloss finish, semi gloss was the closest thing. First, I tried using only the dullcote and it made the symbol look super dull. No shine, nothing. So I added semi gloss, 2 layers everywhere before using dullcote over the flat sides. Then I used semi gloss on the symbol only. The gold rim stayed shiny since I didn't use dullcote on it.
Sort of able to see the shine in the crest.
Final product, front and back views. Now I just need a magnet to tape to the back so we can switch which token we want to use for the amiibo box.

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