Monday, February 23, 2015

Pokemon Shuffle Overview

I'm so addicted, I have yet to close out of the game.
Just a simple matching game with Pokemon. There are quite a few modes in this version but the concept is the same.

It starts off with a tutorial showing the point of the game is to defeat the Pokemon with your team and then have a chance to catch it. The more Pokemon caught, the more choices you have to pick from. There are Pokemon strength and weaknesses too. The Mega Evolution is extremely helpful in later levels. In the main game, to purpose is to defeat the Pokemon within a certain amount of moves. There is as few as 3 moves and as many as 20 moves. In expert game, the purpose is to defeat the Pokemon within a certain amount of time such as 30 seconds or a minute. The Special game is where the events happen. As of now there is the Mew event and daily Pokemon event.

I will defeat you one day Mega Glalie!
I feel as I been extremely lucky to be able to catch a Pokemon at 15% success rate however, I have failed at 81% success rate before. I played a ton since it was released but now I'm stuck at Mega Glalie which is #120. Instead of trying, I decided to go back and try to catch the Pokemon I failed to capture before. I also already caught Mew by this point. I only did one expert level as of now.
Crazy 110 combo in order to get this score. No items.
It is possible to beat a Pokemon with one move as it can continue to combo attack on the Pokemon. I have combo a Nidorina up to 110 times and made a ridiculous high score. I also somehow beat a Pokemon without even making a move which I think it's great since it makes catchability 100%.
Somehow didn't even make one move and won. Yay!
Leveling the Pokemon makes them stronger. So if I start leveling them up, I should be able to beat Mega Glalie eventually. The only thing that stops me is the amount of Hearts. Due to only a max of 5 Hearts, I have to be selective in what I play. I don't wish to pay for hearts so I keep waiting every few hours to play. If I ever get enough jewels, I might just get the max amount of hearts and just keep playing.

I can't wait to see what other Special events they will have. I will probably catch them all eventually but first I have to beat Mega Glalie.

Update 3/23/2015: In the past week there was an event for Lucarionite. I ended up playing way too many games just to be able to rank in the first 20000 for it. Found out earlier, I got it. Yay!

Now new daily Pokemon are here and more main Pokemon have been added to the game. I wasn't expecting an expansion any time soon but this is great since I was running out of Pokemon to beat/catch. I was four Pokemon away in the main to get all S rank and four Pokemon away from catching all the expert Pokemon. 

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