Monday, June 30, 2014

Fan Air Conditioner Project Part 2

Fan Air Conditioner Project Part 2

Finally got around to extending the coil to the back of my fan but the cleaning came first. There was so much dust accumulated on the fan after using it for the last month. It was not easy to clean the dust on that fan since I couldn't take the front cover off. I think I'll get a fan with a cover to take off next time.

I decreased the amount of coil in the front. I had to increasing the total length of the coil by using two more hose clips with a small vinyl tube. I got a cooler and some ice packs. I tried using frozen water in ziplock bags and they only worked twice. The first time, all of them had punctured holes in the corners. Luckily it was only one hole or two so I just placed it in the freezer in a way that wouldn't let the water leak. After that, it didn't hold up.

I only tested using this set up at night when I'm going to sleep. It makes the room feel quite cool but by the time morning comes, it's still cool. I'm not sure how long the coolness last but I assume at least an hr or two or even longer.

Well here are the final pictures. I'm not sure if I'll make any more modifications after this.

Front of fan - less coil and it's where the water enters the tube.
Side and back of fan.
Back of fan - Attached tubing with two hose clips to extend the coil.
Cooler with pump, water and the vinyl tubing.
Part 1 of Project

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