Monday, January 19, 2015

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Demo Overview

I'm not really that big of a fan of the Monster Hunter series. I have tried the PSP version and didn't get into it that much. I always find controls to be awkward for me to use but I figure it's one of those things that I would get used to over time. I also own Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the 3DS but I have yet to play it. So, this is me trying to get into the series, once again.

Hope this is actually easy. I don't want to become dinner.
There is beginner and expert mode to choose from. I chose beginner since I couldn't remember the controls. Then there is a choice of two missions, easy and intermediate. I went with easy. I also had to choose a weapon and I went with a recommended dual blades weapon. Luckily the red pointing arrows showed me where to go in the mission. Or else I would have gotten lost which has happen (in the PSP version) and it makes me never want to go out again. I like exploration, just not when I can't tell which way I need to go to get back.

Looks great! Vibrant colors and vast world.
I went out in the field, killing a few monsters along the way and there were points where the tutorial was telling me how to jump as well as other things. I still don't know how to jump. Eventually I got to the monster I was suppose to hunt and the cut scene was almost empowering if it wasn't for the fact I don't know how to imitate it. I mounted the monster in the cut scene and this is where it was interesting. I stabbed it and continue doing so until I got thrown off. So not really knowing how to mount it, I just kept attacking it until it ran away. Then I chased it to the next area and attacked it again until it ran away. In the final area, the nest, I was able to kill it. Then I scavenged materials from it and I got a quest completed afterwards.

And what do I find in this body? Materials! Items!
Freedom! I did it!

The experience was okay. Controls are still a bit awkward for me but it was easier this time. Too bad the demo doesn't allow you to make anything with the items found. 

Maybe I'm just not the right type of person this series is targeted to. Until I play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, I'm probably not going to get this one.

Side story: On the first mission that I played in the PSP version, I had to collect 2 meat. So, I went out in the field, beat up some monsters and eventually got meat. This is where I got confused. I didn't know how to end the quest! I didn't realize that I had to put it in the box. I did everything I could with the meat until my siblings told me I had to put it in the box. So yea, simple mission that was suppose to take a few minutes instead took me about 30-40 minutes. I feel so ashamed.

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